عن الجمعية

جمعية البيان الاسلامية

هي جمعية غير حكومية لا تبتغي الربح، متخصصة بالقطاع التربوي و التعليمي في لبنان، و هي مشرفة على مجمع البيان التربوي في طرابلس.


BigHearts is the largest global crowdfunding community connecting nonprofits, donors, and companies


BigHearts is the largest global crowdfunding community connecting nonprofits, donors, and companies


BigHearts is the largest global crowdfunding community connecting nonprofits, donors, and companies

كيف نساعد

نعطي التعليم للأطفال

Who We are

Our Impact

How It Works

We help companies develop powerful corporate social responsibility, grantmaking, and employee engagement strategies. Our impact is about more than moving money to where it’s needed most; it’s also about helping nonprofits access information and ideas that will help them listen, learn, and grow. Some of us came from academia, others cut their teeth in corporate America, and many have spent our entire careers .

We help companies develop powerful corporate social responsibility, grantmaking, and employee engagement strategies. Our impact is about more than moving money to where it’s needed most; it’s also about helping nonprofits access information and ideas that will help them listen, learn, and grow. Some of us came from academia, others cut their teeth in corporate America, and many have spent our entire careers .

We help companies develop powerful corporate social responsibility, grantmaking, and employee engagement strategies. Our impact is about more than moving money to where it’s needed most; it’s also about helping nonprofits access information and ideas that will help them listen, learn, and grow. Some of us came from academia, others cut their teeth in corporate America, and many have spent our entire careers .

Help is Our Goal

What Make Us Different

نحن نثقف

نحن نساعد المنظمات غير الربحية المحلية في الوصول إلى التمويل والأدوات والتدريب والدعم الذي يحتاجون إليه

نحن نساعد

نحن نبني

نحن نجمع التبرع